What Makes Spotted Cow Ale So Good?

Have you had a Spotted Cow Ale? Last Sunday we went over to the in laws house for a family Mother’s Day cookout. The food and company were good as usual and much to my surprise, I was offered Spotted Cow ale. The beer has become very popular to the Wisconsin natives as it is brewed in the small town of New Glarus. The beer is served at several taps throughout the cheese state and has become popular among many of us in the neighboring states that make the occasional trek across the state line. I had my first experience with Spotted Cow along with many other New Glarus beers last summer on a day trip to this fun little Swiss town in Wisconsin. I saw several cars driving up a gravel road to this hilltop brewery. My curiosity got the better of me and returned home with a variety pack of New Glarus ales. What makes Spotted Cow Ale so good? The answer is in the first taste. The beer is considered light for an ale as it has a fruity smooth taste with no hoppy aftertaste that one will find in ...