
Showing posts from November, 2011

German Apple Pancake Baked in a Skillet

The weekend was busy as it began last Thursday preparing a Thanksgiving dinner for nine people and preparing subsequent turkey leftover meals throughout the rest of the extended weekend. Many hours were spent within the confines of just the kitchen. I was successfully able to use up just about all the remaining turkey from Thanksgiving which involved the likes of turkey sandwiches and even a round of southwest turkey wraps. I did manage to squeeze in a favorite Sunday morning treat for the family. I took time out to prepare a skillet baked German Apple Pancake. The recipe has been in my possession for years and I love to make this with a very tart apple such as a granny smith. For those that have not prepared a German apple pancake, the final presentation is a combination of cinnamon apple tart and egg custard base. The skillet allows for the delicious pancake to develop crispy edges with a sweet baked custard inside that is topped with caramelized apples with cinnamon sugar and nutmeg

Thanksgiving Wishbone Rules

I would like to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. This is probably one of my favorite meals during the year as I really enjoy the gathering of friends and family over a roasted turkey with an abundance of some of the year’s best side dishes. I would also use this opportunity to post the rules for those interested in engaging in the traditional wishbone pull between two willing participants. Once the turkey has been carved, remove the wishbone and pick the bone clean of any meat. This wishbone will then serve as entertainment before or after the supper. The rules are as follows: 1. Each person holds a side of the wishbone. 2. Eyes are then closed and a wish should be made. 3. Count down out loud……”3…2…1”. 4. Pull on wishbone. 5. The participant with the larger bone will be rewarded with a wish come true (at least he or she hopes!) For those that are still scrambling for a good turkey bread stuffing recipe, feel free to try my nadivka recipe I posted previously. The recipe pr

How to Prepare Czech Roast Duck

One of my treasured czech meals is bohemian style roasted duck. I usually get this meal onc a year if I am lucky. I typically have to order it at a czech restaurant or prepare it for myself while the rest of the family enjoy roast chicken or pork. Their disdain for eating duck is primarily attributed to their appreciation of these little fussy waddlers observed at the petting zoo or at the local parks swimming happily down the river. Somehow and someway, my view of duck has pushed me past the cute fuzzy image more in favor of the tasty Sunday roast that is served with homemade dumplings, sauce, and a braised cabbage dish. Just about every grocery store will carry duck in the frozen poultry section; if you can get one fresh, all the better! The bird usually weighs no more than five pounds and offers up between three to four servings. I have seen the price range for a five pound duck range anywhere between eleven to twenty bucks for a roaster; a fresh one most likely costing a bit more.

How to Buy The Right Size Turkey For Thanksgiving

One of the most daunting tasks for many hosting their first Thanksgiving is trying to determine how much turkey is required for the big holiday gathering. Preparing this large meal for family and friends can be stressful enough aside from having to worry if there is enough food. The guidelines are pretty simple with purchasing the turkey, though the amount desired can be subjective on what is considered enough.   I typically like leftovers so my rule of thumb is to purchase the bird based on estimate of at least a pound and a half per person. That may seem like a lot of meat to buy, but a turkey weight also includes weight of bones, neck and gizzards. A pound and a half estimate will be more than enough for the hungriest of guests. An estimated range of between 1.50 to 1.75 pounds per person will definitely ensure a few leftover meals after the holidays. Once the meat is picked, it can be conveniently frozen and recreated in delicious dishes like pot pies and tetrazzinis. If the purpos