Garden Line up for 2011
What a wet and cold April this has been in the Chicago suburbs. Every day brings more saturation and the need to tote the umbrella every day to work. These April showers have left little, if any time to tend to the garden or even the yard. This delay has made me a bit ansy given my anxiety to get things going with my lawn and garden. I have already put together my garden list for this spring/summer in anticipation of getting things moving very soon. The choices are similar to my prior year’s plantings, but changed things up a tad. 1. Tomatoes – Tomatoes are my staple. I usually go with three types: Early Bird, Cherry, and Roma. These fruits I typically purchase at the nursery as seedlings, and plant mid May. I typically go with two early birds, three romas, and one cherry plant. Tomatoes, especially the cherry variety are coveted by my children and they produce consistently throughout the summer. The plums and early birds eventually fizzle ou...