Making Lamb Pound Cake For Easter

It's been a busy two days before Easter getting things done. One of the eastern european christian traditions we follow every year is the baking of the Easter lambs. I went ahead and made them yesterday and they turned out tasty as usual. My recipe for this treat can be found under my Czech recipe listings on the right side of this blog. Pound cake is an interesting dessert as the cake does not call for any rising agents such as baking powder or soda. The recipe is so simple when you consider it's name and the ingredients.."Pound standing for pound of butter, pound of sugar, pound of eggs, and pound of flour. I have never taken the time to measure each item to confirm if that is really true. I don't really eat too much pound cake throughout the year, so preparing the Easter lamb pound cakes in this metal mold really makes the holiday even more fun. This is a tradition my wife and I will hopefully have success passing along to our children. A couple of tricks to remember when you bake these. Number one, make sure you adequately grease (I use crisco) every nook and cranny of the lamb mold. Once you have applied a generous amount of shortening, give the pan a little dusting of flour. This pre-baking prep will allow the Lamb to slide out much easier after it is removed from the oven. The second tip, is to place toothpicks in the ears prior to placing the second half of the mold on top of the first mold. The ears are a very fragile part of the lamb and the picks will keep them secured to the head. The third tip, is to remove the lamb after the mold has cooled off ten minutes after being removed from the oven. If desired take the extra measures and decorate with easter grass, jelly beans, and frosting and coconut (resemble "wool"). I am content with a generous dusting of confectioners sugar. Maybe I am weird like this, but I even like to occasionally toast (lightly) a slice of pound cake. Happy Easter everyone.


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