
Showing posts from July, 2013

Dark Chocolate Cupcake with Salted Peanut Butter Frosting

I made this recipe up on a whim using ingredients I found in my parents house while on holiday.  However, I think I have stumbled onto a winning recipe here.  This cupcake is perfect for those who usually find cupcakes, with their globs of frosting, to be too sweet.  Instead, this recipe plays off the strength of adding a bit of savory to something sweet.  And just in the same way that caramel benefits from salt, so does the peanut butter and chocolate in this recipe.  The pretzel topping dipped in the frosting reminds me of something I had as a child, though I can't quite put my finger on it. 1 recipe prepared dark chocolate cake (24 cupcakes) 1 1/2 Sticks butter 1/3 cup peanut butter 4 cups powdered (icing) sugar 24 pretzels Sea salt 1. Prepare approx. 24 dark chocolate cupcakes (box mix if you're in a hurry). 2. Allow cupcakes to cool. 3. In a large bowl, cream butter and peanut butter using an electric mixer. 4. Add sugar slowly until desired consistency. 5. Frost cupcakes.

Garlic Soup

I'm sitting at my dining table eating a bowl of garlic soup and thinking about my great grandfather, Alois J. Morkovsky. The story my mother tells me is that he would ask my grandmother to make the soup for him when he was feeling under the weather, like coming down with a cold.  (He lived with her and her family in his later years.) I have friends in the Czech Republic who recommend the same treatment (eating garlic) for a cold along with tying a scarf around ones neck. The soup I'm eating today evolved over the last week or so. On Sunday, the 30th, I went to Hallettsville for the annual Morkovsky reunion where I got several people to tell me stories about Alois Morkovsky. My parents and I stayed at my grandmother's house (she passed in January of 2012) and I helped my parents make roast pork, a squash casserole, and potatoes with butter and onions for the event. When it came time to drain the water from boiling the potatoes, both my mother and I had the same idea - to s

Blue Slushies

  So... my favorite flavor is 'blue'.  My musings throughout the day are usually consumed by thoughts about when I'll be able to sip my next blue raspberry icee/slushie.  For this reason, I had to invent my own, as I don't have any of that beautiful, much-coveted blue slushie syrup. You will need (for 1 large/2 small): 12 ice cubes 3 Tbsp Kool Aid Blue Raspberry Lemonade Drink Mix 1/2 cup club soda 1/2 cup water 1. Dissolve Kool Aid in the water. 2. Add 12 ice cubs to a blender with a smoothie setting. 3. Add in Kool Aid mixture and blend until smooth. 4. Pour in club soda and serve.