Dark Chocolate Cupcake with Salted Peanut Butter Frosting

I made this recipe up on a whim using ingredients I found in my parents house while on holiday.  However, I think I have stumbled onto a winning recipe here.  This cupcake is perfect for those who usually find cupcakes, with their globs of frosting, to be too sweet.  Instead, this recipe plays off the strength of adding a bit of savory to something sweet.  And just in the same way that caramel benefits from salt, so does the peanut butter and chocolate in this recipe.  The pretzel topping dipped in the frosting reminds me of something I had as a child, though I can't quite put my finger on it.

1 recipe prepared dark chocolate cake (24 cupcakes)
1 1/2 Sticks butter
1/3 cup peanut butter
4 cups powdered (icing) sugar
24 pretzels
Sea salt

1. Prepare approx. 24 dark chocolate cupcakes (box mix if you're in a hurry).

2. Allow cupcakes to cool.

3. In a large bowl, cream butter and peanut butter using an electric mixer.

4. Add sugar slowly until desired consistency.

5. Frost cupcakes.

6. Sprinkle frosting with a pinch of sea salt.

7. Top with a pretzel.

8. Serve same day.

Note: If making ahead, do not add sea salt or pretzel until day of serving.


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