
Showing posts from November, 2013

Basic Cheese Lasagne

No frills lasagne for those on a budget! Egg lasagne noodles(approx 200g) 500g Spicy tomato pasta sauce 300g Shredded mozarella cheese 4 Tbsp Grated Parmesan cheese 1 cup large-curd Cottage Cheese 1 tsp Garlic powder 1 tsp Onion powder 1. Cook the noodles until tender. 2. While noodles are cooking, combine garlic powder, onion powder, cottage cheese, and parmesan in a small bowl. 3. When you are ready to assemble lasagne, simple alternate fillings with noodles in a 9in x 9in square pan.  For example, I did sauce --> noodles --> cheese mixture --> by noodles --> sauce --> mozzarella --> noodles --> cheese mixture --> noodles --> sauce --> mozarella --> etc etc REPEAT!  4. Bake at for 30 minutes at 180C!

Simple Corn Dog Muffins

I did not expect this to turn out as amazing as they were, therefore I did not write down my recipe.  However, if you'd like to replicate this yourself, just take a simple cornbread batter ( recipe ) and pour it into prepared muffin cups. The next step is to par-cook some hotdogs in the microwave just to ensure that they finish cooking in the oven since uncooked hot dogs are a no-no. Finally, slice them up and pop them into your cornbread muffins!  Not too difficult, and a simple recipe for if you are craving corn dogs!