Cost Cutting Tips for Thanksgiving Dinner

With the Thanksgiving holiday fast approaching, there exists the anxiety of putting together a plan to host the holiday with friends and family. The stress level can be kept to a minimum by taking the right steps. A good plan involves carefully knowing your audiences preferences and following these cost cutting tips for Thanksgiving dinner.

1. Watch for sales (If the deals on frozen or canned items are too good to pass up, then buy immediately. I am already seeing tons of specials located at the supermarket end caps that feature yams, marshmallows, pumpkin pie essentials, and even soda.

2. Switch ready made for homemade (pies and gravies). You can usually trim down the cost of your desserts by making the pumpkin pie from scratch. Be aware that the cost could go up significantly if you do not have the essential spices on hand.

3. Shop with a set list. If you go in to the store without a list, you will most likely buy items that you did not originally intend on acquiring.

4. Accept pot luck offers by relatives and friends. You will have a sufficient cost to host and prepare the meal so gladly accept any offers of pies or side dishes to the feast.

5. Look for the free turkey specials based on how much you spend at the store. Watch for these deals closely at your neighborhood stores during the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving. You have to perform weekly household shopping every week, so you might as well take advantage of any potential free turkey offers based on spending activity.

6. Try and lock in your head count early so you know with certainty how much food you will need. If you are like me, you will still buy a little extra to have some leftovers for the rest of the weekend.

7. For table decorations such as cornucopia, candles, and napkin holders, consider a visit to the dime store or discount shop where you will find these items cheaper. If you need linensyou’re your table, consider looking at the thrift store. The guests will have no idea where you found these items.

8. Keep appetizers to a very minimum if at all. There will be so much food served during the Thanksgiving meal, you do not want your guests filling up on cheese and crackers or shrimp and cocktail sauce.


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