Nadivka - Bread Stuffing Recipe

Thanksgiving dinner is one of my favorite times of the year. It is a great time of the year to gather with friends and family over a delicious meal and engage in fun conversation and post meal games. Another good part of the meal is the tasty leftovers that carryover into the long weekend. A good bird does not go out successfully without the aid of a great stuffing. There are so many different stuffing recipes out there regardless of which corner of the globe or country you reside. I have seen a variety of Nadivka or Czech bread stuffing recipes as well. I always stick to my traditional recipe as it has never failed me. This recipe is a standard recipe that I use every year. Some people will use this version and add such items as sausage, mushrooms, or even poultry liver. I usually skip the extras and prepare as is. I look forward to this stuffing every year as it is even delicious cold from the refrigerator the next day.

I prefer a moist dressing so I opt for the fresh soft bread. If you like a fluffier dressing, consider drying out the bread for a day prior to mixing ingredients. This recipe yields enough for two casserole dishes or stuffing for a very large turkey (18 to 22 lbs). If you have a ten pound turkey simply divide the ingredients list in half. I usually prepare this dressing outside of the bird in a casserole dish since the media has done a good job of putting the salmonella fear into me with regards to stuffing inside the poultry cavity.


12 cups of bread, cubed
3/4 cup butter
1 medium onion, chopped
1½ cup celery with leaves
2 eggs
1 teaspoon sage, ground
1 teaspoon marjoram
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
Turkey or Chicken Broth, low sodium

1. Sauté celery and onions in butter until soft.

2. In a very large bowl, combine celery and onion with bread cubes and seasonings.

3. Allow to cool slightly before adding broth and beaten eggs.

4. Make sure enough broth is added to have a moist stuffing.

5. Bake in greased casserole dish for one hour at 325F.


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