The Joy of Costco Frozen Yogurt

I am a weekend shopper at the local Costco warehouse store. Most of the time, my weekly visits do not even involve grocery shopping, but purely a chance to walk the aisles scouring any great bargains. This is also a great way to stumble across about a dozen “sample” tables for my Saturday afternoon snack. The trip is not complete without a quick stop to the food court. Aside from great pizza and hot dogs, the premiere concession is the frozen Costco yogurt.  The choices are simple: chocolate, vanilla or swirl.  We just about always order the swirl soft serve yogurt. The frozen treat only sets one back $1.43 (w/tax) for a twelve ounce portion. The beauty of this concession is the lack of fat and low calories. This large cup totals in at 390 calories but this can easily be split with another willing participant to curb calories down to just below 200 per person. I know that number is still high amongst us calorie counters, but a far stretch below those desserts served at the burger franchises and dairy queens. This treat always triggers thoughts of the Seinfeld episode about the novelty and buzz reaction of the cast when they first learn the new local ice cream establishment sells frozen yogurt without the fat. Aside from some really good shopping deals found in the grocery, photography, and electronics department, the value of purchasing a Costco annual membership is justified on the food court visits alone. I highly recommend this treat.
Enjoy the no fat yogurt clip courtesy of Seinfeld:


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