Using A Food Diary to Lose Weight

It seems contradictory to maintain a cooking blog post and also discuss curbing calories, don’t you think? Well, that is just what I am going to do! I have been gradually shedding calories during spring and summer going from 207 pounds down to 185 and it has been relatively painless. Losing calories has not involved the likes of Atkins, South beach, Nutrisystem, or Slim Fast. I still eat my favorite carbs such as dumplings, pasta, and rice as well as indulge in other guilty pleasures such as bacon, steak, cheeseburgers, and so on. I even make it a point to make a family trip to dairy queen a few times a month for treats.

What is the catch? I count calories in a daily journal. I made my weight loss decision long back in January (just after witnessing all those diet and exercise commercials) while watching a Sunday football game dining on half a pizza and a few “pops”. Low energy and pudginess were enough to finally motivate me to lose some pounds. The trick is losing them without giving up those foods you love. I like the weight watchers program method of points, but didn’t want to pay a weight watchers price tag. I see the value in that program for those individuals that have a heck of a lot to lose. My focus has been losing approximately twenty five pounds (I still have about five to lose).

Anyway I decided the best way to lose weight was to count calories. I went online and researched calorie calculator sites that require the use to enter current weight and height. The next step involves completing information such as level of weekly exercise and desired weight goal and due date of desired weight. After completing this information, the site generates a recommended daily calorie intake. I have stuck with this program for seven months and have had success. I did put two pounds back on during my June vacation courtesy of southern cooking (fried chicken and barbecue). I was also informed macaroni and cheese is considered a vegetable in the Deep South!

My program has been somewhat easy but requires constant daily monitoring. Helpful tools include calorie counters and occasional visits to restaurant websites to research calorie counts of those items ordered off a menu. The success of losing weight also comes at the expense of extra calorie burning measures which include jogging two nights a week and doing some extra yard and garden work which really burn calories.

I am not touting a food diary program as the cure all diet. Everyone has their own chosen successful path for losing weight. Counting calories works best for me.


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