Sticky Teriyaki Meatballs

Just a quick/simple recipe for teriyaki meatballs.

1/2 cup bread crumbs
1 medium egg
1 tsp onion powder
2 Tbsp dark soy sauce
700g mince (I used lean pork, but turkey or ground chuck would probably be awesome)

Vegetable oil (for cooking)
2/3 cup teriyaki sauce for cooking, and any additional sauce for serving

1. First you will need to make the meatballs by combining bread crumbs, egg, onion powder, soy sauce, and your meat of choice.

2. Add oil to cover the bottom of a large (high quality non-stick) skillet.

3. Once thoroughly mixed, shape into small balls and set in skillet.  Cook until meatballs begin to brown.

4. Add teriyaki sauce to pan and cook until a nice caramelized crust forms on the meatballs (from the sugar in the teriyaki sauce).  Always be sure meatballs are cooked thoroughly.


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